What’s holding you back? Time to get back on track

David Domzalski
2 min readJan 16, 2024
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

We often live in the regrets of the past — or pine for promises of a better future.

In doing so, we neglect the present. That is much to our detriment.

I saw an article on LinkedIn this week about older members of Gen Z longing for an offline past they barely experienced.

Some believe all that nostalgia might be a good thing. However, you must embrace the present moment to benefit from the future nostalgia.

Redesigning your life — and business

Nicholas Robb understands what it’s like to want something more. He was committed to building a 6-figure business.

But, the 80-hour weeks were eating at him. He was absolutely miserable.

What did he do? He redesigned his life and business to fit him.

He was happy with the level of income — but the hours weren’t sustainable for him. He figured out what he could automate and built systems to optimize his workflow.

He runs his business today in a home office he built in nature — and works with entrepreneurs worldwide from his HQ.

Become your own coach

Kate Tompsett felt incredibly overwhelmed closing her shop due to the first lockdown during the pandemic in 2020. She was worried about her business and health.

However, Kate is a fan of analog planning and bullet journaling. So, she used those moments to list all her worries out on paper and figured out different strategies to combat them.

When the lockdown happened, she used that time to work on marketing, public relations, photography, and her website. This helped her have record-breaking online sales!

Using the concept of Self Coaching, Kate works to break down challenges into small steps. She avoids being scattered all over — and instead focuses on a few things at a time.

What’s next?

How does this strike you? The way I see it — you can use nostalgia to your advantage.

But, it first requires being intentional about the present.

Figure out what can be automated like Nicholas. Break things down into actionable steps like Kate.

Design your life and business on your terms. No, it won’t happen overnight.

Start with a big picture dream and list out what you need to make it happen.

Begin today.

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David Domzalski

Entrepreneur, Writer, and Project Manager. Discusses entrepreneurship, productivity, burnout, project management, content marketing, and storytelling.